Batch, the downtown tasting room for Roaring Fork Beer Company, hosts “The Art of Cool,” an artist reception for the locally-loved artist, Chad Stieg, on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, at 6pm.
Aly Sanguily, Batch Tasting Room Director and curator of the show, says, “The Art of Cool,” has been a long time coming with Stieg.
“I’ve had the pleasure of showing Chad Stieg’s art in the tasting room for RFBC for almost four years now, starting in our original location on Dolores Way. It’s taken me four years and a new location (and some begging) to finally make this show happen. I could not be more excited or honored.”
Community has always been a core focus of Roaring Fork Beer Company and Batch has succeeded in creating a welcoming and family-like atmosphere since its opening on Main Street, June 2017. Permanent gallery space has been dedicated to Stieg’s art ever since. Honoring local artists professionally in a whimsical space has been a passion for Sanguily, as she takes on the role of curating beer with art. Carbondale artists Chris Erickson and Brian Colley, and Houston’s Donnie Henry have also found a home in Batch. Additionally, the tasting room features a rotation of pieces from Sanguily’s personal collection.
For Stieg, accepting the role as a featured artist at Batch was an easy choice.
“Batch is like a family unit, and the fact that its location is in the heart of one of the most up and coming art scenes in the country is a very satisfying feeling. The people in this valley have a love for art I haven’t seen in even the big cities I’ve lived in,” says Stieg. “Artists make an effort to back each other up and collaborate in a more genuine fashion. It’s not a “me against you” mentality. It’s a partnership, which enables the insecurities that come along with creating art, to subside a bit. There’s a fellowship that a lot of artistic communities could benefit from paying attention to. And not to mention…the people that aren’t artists are sure paying a lot of attention. And buying LOTS of art!”
Stieg has been creating art for over 21 years, with 15 of those as a professional artist; his medium lies mostly in acrylic and oil with a dabble in metalwork and carpentry. When asked about Stieg’s art style, he says there’s not a lot of in-between.
“My style is modern abstract landscapes to intricate stencil art. My art tends to be super tight, or super loose,” says Stieg.
Stieg’s shoots for simple yet evocative, using Native American imagery, nature, guns, and humorous text.
“I was raised in a home influenced by Native American teachings, art, and spiritual ideas. It is such an intense period of history and I just like to memorialize it in my own way. Birds are just relaxing to look at. And guns…? Well. They make for interesting subject matter– and they often start a pretty comprehensive conversation,” says Stieg.
Sanguily has curated over a dozen art shows from her previous tasting room space to her current space on Main Street. She says it happened with intention.
“I have a degree in art, painting specifically, but I’m in the beer game, not the making art game. So to fill the void of not having time to create art of my own anymore, I found that I had this really great space at Batch (and my previous space on Dolores Way) that people were really drawn to, and I wanted to make a connection with the art of making beer and art itself. I found my favorite artists and I’ve sort of just given them priority.”
Stieg’s art is clearly a favorite. The connection is apparent and felt deeply when guests walk in the door.
“Brewers are craft makers, they’re artists in their own right. This is a really great opportunity to bring the two together with some sort of real meaning. I have this unique space to do it, it’s been a happy accident of sorts,” says Sanguily.
The aesthetics of the space do not go unnoticed. Guests often order a seasonal and tour the tasting room space. Striking, in-your-face art excites Sanguily. Stieg’s is a profound part of that experience, even as his work morphs through phases.
“I have a core concept of art that I revisit every so often. In between those spurts I experiment with random transitioning and if successful, those become a part of the core creativity as well,” Stieg explains.
Sanguily and Stieg chose Valentine’s Day for the highly anticipated show to sort of poke at the most “un-cool” day of the year, and to expand this campy holiday beyond couples, cheesy dinners, and unnecessary spending– unless it’s art, of course.
“I have a profound feeling of gratitude when someone appreciates something I’ve created– and for someone to actually spend their hard-earned money on it…that’s an incredible feeling. I’m blessed, I’m so very grateful. I hope everyone gets to experience that at some point,” admits Stieg.
A very special Ramen Family Dinner will also be part of the evening’s festivities, featuring in-house ramen by Batch’s new eatery, Carousel 42, and Executive Chef Josh Rutherford. Advance reservations only for the Ramen Family Dinner (they go fast!) The evening is open to the public.
Roaring Fork Beer Company &
Batch Tasting Room
Production: 1831 Dolores Way
Tasting Room: 358 Main Street
Carbondale, Colorado